In addition to her training in Physical Therapy, Melissa has over 13 years of experience as a Licensed Massage Therapist.
Prenatal Massage
Pregnancy massage benefits include decreased swelling, stress and anxiety, and even reported to improve insomnia.
Lymphatic Massage
Lymphatic drainage massage involves gently manipulating specific areas of your body to help lymph move to an area with working lymph vessels.
Fascial Counterstrain
Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) is a therapeutic, hands-on method, designed to release spasm in all tissues of the human body. Every organ, nerve, artery, muscle, ligament, tendon, vein and lymphatic vessel in the human body can actively spasm and produce pain in a natural, protective response to injury. Once this reflex spasm is triggered it can persist, spread & form hundreds of tender points. FCS works to release the tissue in spasm and the corresponding tender point by gently unloading the injured structure.